Local Rules
Roping around greens/ Tees and support stays plus GUR
(Temporary Allowances)
They are hammered into the ground with the intention that they are "not to be removed"
On that basis, it becomes obvious that these must be treated as immovable obstruction and covered by rule 16.1( abnormal course conditions, including immovable obstructions)
Attempting to remove or removing from the ground shall be deemed in breach of rule 16.1 = general penalty. NB By order of the management, offenders shall be removed from the course
Immovable obstruction
Any obstruction that:
Cannot be moved without unreasonable effort or without damaging the obstruction or the course, and otherwise, does not meet the definition of a movable obstruction.
The committee may define any obstruction t be an immovable obstruction, even if it meets the definition of movable obstruction.
Movable obstruction
An obstruction that can be moved with reasonable effort and without damaging the obstruction or the course.
If part of an immovable obstruction or integral object ( such as a gate or part of an attached cable) meets these two standards, that part is treated as an movable;e obstruction.
For those that may ask "What happens if my ball hots the rope or stay"?
Shot is NOT to be replayed- play it as it lies or take relief as above.
Ground Under Repair: Temporary Allowances
Based on previous years, there is an unfortunate side-effect that some of the resulting walkways shall develop signs of wear and tear which could impair the playing of a stroke. According, to complement the above:
Ground under repair:
All areas of unusual damage where clearly had been caused by traffic, including the greenkeepers vehicles, combined with wet conditions to alter the ground surface materially.
NB: Before the taking of relief- approval must be obtained from playing partner(s)